European Explorations and New World Beginnings
There were a lot of positive and negative impacts when contact was made between the Native Americans and the Europeans.

Positive Impacts:
-Europeans brought many good things to trade and introduce to the Native Americans and vice versa. This was called the ''Columbian Exchange''.  Europeans brought the Native Americans goods such as onions, olives, grapes, honey bees, grains, peaches, pears, sheep, pigs, horses and citrus fruit.  The Native Americans introduced Europeans to corn, squash, sweet potatoes, cacao beans, peppers, tobacco, pineapple, turkeys, beans, tomatoes, peanuts, pumpkins and more.

-There was an incline in trade

-Cities grew larger and wealth increased 

Negative Impacts:
-The Europeans treatment of the native people was primarily cruel as their greed for land and resources grew. 

-They forced many of the''Indians'' to convert to Christianity, and were often held as slaves.  

-Many  would die from the introduction of serious illnesses such as Measles, Whooping Cough, Malaria, Typhus and Diphtheria the Europeans exposed them to.  

-The Europeans took over their land.